Pregnancy: The First Trimester
Fatigue, All Day Nausea, & Spitting
Pregnancy was a wild ride. The first trimester was a time of incredible discovery all while traveling the world. Last summer 2022, while pregnant, I traveled to Anchorage and Seward, Alaska, Porto, Portugal, and Paris, France. Having crazy cravings helped because I ate my way through those cities. But cravings were not the only symptom I experienced. I also had extreme nausea, taste changes, fatigue, and excess saliva. Prior to my own pregnancy, I understood morning sickness prior as nausea and vomiting in the just in the morning. However, what I experienced was nausea from the moment I woke up to the minute I fell asleep at night for weeks. It was constant nausea. I was just always a little sour.
“The first trimester was a time of incredible discovery all while traveling the world.”
Additionally, things started to taste very strange. Sweet drinks were WICKED sweet and room temperature water was completely unpalatable. I also could not stop spitting; it was so gross. All these symptoms were bearable but what became the tipping pointe was the fatigue. I was napping twice a day and also going to bed at 9pm. I was just exhausted all the time. As you all know, the first trimester is when all the important things are happening for baby’s development; critical organ development as well as the basics to being a human (fingers, toes, limbs). Your body is on overdrive at all times trying to sustain this miraculous development within in you. The worst week was week 7 which also was the week I found out I was pregnant. The exhaustion was hideous. On top of that, I went off of an SSRI medication cold turkey that week and had a horrendous withdrawal from it. I spent the week recovering on my couch. Side note: Venlafaxine has horrible withdrawal and can cause crazy dizziness amongst other symptoms. It’s a good drug in the sense of it’s indication for anxiety/depression but the side effects for me, were not great. Scroll down for more…
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“Although my pregnancy was tough, I do look back on it with nostalgia because I was growing my precious pumpkin who I love so so dearly.”
What was nice about the first trimester is that all my clothes still fit. Once I got to the 2nd and 3rd trimester, nothing fit and I was permanently waddling — more on that later. The fatigue and nausea did resolve after Week 14. The excess saliva persisted until early 2nd trimester resolved then came back with vigor toward the end for a few weeks. My taste did equilibrate after sometime but I couldn’t drink tap water at all unless it was ice cold. It didn’t happen over night but after a while I was back to pre-pregnancy energy levels and able to do things…well until Mildred the fibroid degenerated but more on that later too. Although my pregnancy was tough, I do look back on it with nostalgia because I was growing my precious pumpkin who I love so so dearly. She is literally so perfect in my eyes and everything to me. Until next time lovies, big bisous!