Last Minute Gifting with a Chanel Gift Set
The PerfectLY MANICURED HOLIDAY Gift Set by Chanel
We are reaching the finals days of holiday shopping before Christmas! As some of you may or may not know, Christmas is my favorite holiday because of what it meant to me growing up. Christmas was a guaranteed time that I would get to see my family and just enjoy; eat food, play with cousins, and get quality time. As traditions have grown in our family, gifting luxury beauty is a common theme.
“As traditions have grown in our family, gifting luxury beauty is a common theme.”
Chanel Beauty has curated beautiful holiday gift sets such as this CHANEL PERFECTLY POLISHED Manicure Essentials set. The set is presented within outside gorgeous packaging; a satin finish box with the classic double C logo encrusted with jewels which echos luxury and holidays. Inside, you find a gorgeous velour gold zipped pouch that is filled with a handful of Chanel beauty products everyone on your list will enjoy. These products include the CHANEL LE TOP COAT Quick Dry And Shine
, the CHANEL LE VERNIS Longwear Nail Colour
, and the CHANEL LA CRÈME MAIN Nourish - Soften - Brighten
. With complimentary second day shipping available, if you order quickly, your item will arrive just in the nick of time before Christmas.
Let's just take some time and talk about CHANEL LA CRÈME MAIN . I was introduced to this hand cream a little over a year ago courtesy of Chanel Inc. Trying to figure out how to use this egg shaped product seemed a bit of a small challenge at first but once I used it, there was no going back. The fragrance is light, carries a rose scent, but is greatly impactful. Being able to incorparate CHANEL LA CRÈME MAIN
into my home manicure is a delight.
Let's talk about the nail varnishes. I love how striking of a color the CHANEL LE VERNIS Longwear Nail Colour in the color "Rouge Noir" is. I already have made plans for this color as it will be the perfect accomplice to my New Year's Eve Black Sequin dress. With how abused my hands are in the hospital due to the frequent alcohol use, the CHANEL LE TOP COAT Quick Dry And Shine
gives the ultimate shine and holds down the varnish through thick and thin or in my case, corrosive alcohol exposure. If a nail color can with stand countless attacks on it from the frequent hand hygiene, I am a believer.
“If a nail color can with stand countless attacks on it from the frequent hand hygiene, I am a believer.”
I have one last gift guide for you all and then that is it for holiday gifting season. I surely hope that this was a good season and I brought incredible inspiration. A very special thank you to my friends at Chanel for sponsoring this post and many others throughout the year. I have a lot to be thankful for this year. I am forever grateful to you all for sticking by me. You all are the reason why I do this. Merry Christmas to you with love, big bisous!
How a Cran-Sparkler, Spiced Orange Cider, and Yuletide Nojito can add flair to your holidays this season!