How to Achieve New Years Resolutions!

New Year, Better Me! 

Nonee in a Green Velour Suit


How is it that I haven’t posted in over a month? Between end of semester papers, paperwork, the blogger holiday party I hosted, work, and having all my family here for Xmas; things have been very hectic! As we enter this New Year, I am so eager to get started on the right foot! I have a lot of life changing events happening this year such as I’m graduating with my Masters in May and becoming a Nurse Practitioner, getting married in August, and potentially moving after the wedding! 

I have a few major goals I would like to achieve this year! These goals include successfully completing graduate school, growing my email lists for my blog, increasing blog traffic, successfully planning my wedding on a small budget, becoming more disciplined with time management, better financial management, and also better physical fitness. This list to me means nothing unless I come up with attainable steps to achieve my goals! I think that goals or dreams are just a wish without a plan! Scroll down for more...

“I think that goals or dreams are just a wish without a plan!”

The Goodwin Hotel
What I'm Wearing: Blazer // Trousers // Shoes

What I'm Wearing: Blazer // Trousers // Shoes


1. Create a Visual of your goals! One year, I created a goal board and put it somewhere I could see it so that everyday I would be reminded of the goal. 

2. Set attainable goals and steps to get there! I am adamant about outlining a way to reach my goals. So under each goal, I will outline steps to do to make sure that this happens. It is a sure way to make sure that its not a wish but there is a plan.

3. Create a timeline to your goals. With each goal, I set a time frame. So usually, I have three columns. Short term (within 3 months), within 6 months, and Long term (9 months- 1 year). So for me, under short term for this year, I have to save $2000. 

4. Allow for flexibility with your goals. I am a big person for the principle of plus or minus. To me this means, sometimes things get added and sometimes things get taken away. As I navigate the year and grow, my goals may change and I am fully comfortable with that. Give yourself that flexibility on some of your goals. You are one person. And if you are thinking Beyonce has the same 24 hours in a day as me, don't do it! She is definitely hardworking, but also has a fully oiled machine behind her. 

5. Try to stick to the timeline of your goals. In this busy world, we can get easily distracted or buried in the complexities of our lives. Give yourself adequate time to complete a task and follow all the steps your outlined toward achieving your goals. 


Short Term (Within 3 months):

Finish Major Wedding Planning Items

  • Find wedding coordinator by end of February
  • Finalize florist by end of February
  • Pick dress by end of January
  • Taj pick tux/suit by the end of January
  • Finalize catering by the end of January
  • Get rentals (tent, tables, chairs, linens) finalized by the end of February
  • Create wedding website by the end of January
  • Finish Registry by the end of January 
  • Send last of Save the Dates by the end of January
  • Send official wedding invitations by the end of February

Save Money

  • Open additional savings account
  • Save $1000 within 30 days
  • Save $2000 by the end of March
  • Create budgets for 2018 for clothing, restaurants, gas, bills, etc by the end of January  
  • Cut down on bills and spending by discontinuing services that are not utilized or essential (Hulu, blogging networks)

Increasing blog traffic and growing email lists

  • Double my email list by the end of February: host giveaways with link backs to email list, provide value to your audience, send emails to list serve at least once per month, advertise email lists to current audience aggressively via instagram, instastories, twitter, and all channels
  • Publish blog articles at least once per week religiously and network with other bloggers.  

Improve my Physique

  • Exercise at least 30 minutes/day
  • Follow more fitness gurus and plant based eaters on Instagram 
  • Limit eating out to once per week 
  • Create Pinterest board with physical fitness role models
  • Avoid eating after 8pm at night
  • Eat right and avoid SUGAR like the plague
  • Drink x4 16 oz glasses of water/day  

Time Management

  • Sleep more at least 6-7hrs everyday
  • Limit time spent on Instagram to maximum 2hrs/day 
  • Keep track of tasks in your planner and cross them off as you go
  • Create a routine for each day
  • Complete homework in advance instead of last minute

Within 6 months:

Graduate with my Masters

  • Study everyday for at least 1 hour for boards 
  • Start surveying the market for jobs after graduation
  • Update resume by the end of March
  • Complete clinical hours in advance at least twice per week
  • Choose which board review you will use by the end of April
  • Write and pass boards by the beginning of June 

Finish wedding planning

  • Be done with wedding planning by the end of June 
  • Find bridal party accommodation by the end of April 
  • Finalize wedding plans with family by the end of May
  • Finalize wedding transportation by the end of May 
  • Finalize wedding week itinerary 
  • Finalize wedding attendees by end of May 
  • Pick Honeymoon destination and set budget
  • Start joint savings account with bae by the end of April for marriage

Increasing blog traffic and growing email lists

  • Blog traffic should consistently be about 5000 or greater per month by end of April 
  • Email lists should have quadrupled by end of April 

Improving Physique

  • Lose 15lbs by the end of March (5lbs per month), 20lbs by the end of May
  • Stay consistent and get an accountability partner 

Long Term (Within 9 months to 1 year):


  • Get Married in August!!! YAY
  • Travel to unknown for honeymoon
  • Move??? 
  • Create a plan B and C since there is no plan A after getting married yet due to many extrinsic details
  • Get licensed to practice as an APRN in Connecticut, Washington, and Michigan
  • Start Doctor of Nursing Practice coursework in August part-time 
  • Get a small apartment and decorate minimally
  • Purchase a new MacBook computer by the end of September  

"As you see, most of my short-term goals have a step by step approach to how I will achieve them. I think that this is one of the most important things you can do to achieving goals!" 

I hope that this is a post that is incredibly helpful and potent to starting out this new year! I decided to share most of my New Year's resolutions with you guys and exactly how I plan to achieve those plans in the spirit of transparency. As you see, most of my short-term goals have a step by step approach to how I will achieve them. I think that this is one of the most important things you can do to achieving goals! Good luck and see you all on my next post! Until next time loves, big bisous!  

nonee of #NoneesWorld